100% RAP?
Increase Your RAP Percentage With Green Asphalt!

By adding a few pieces of equipment to your existing set up, including Green Asphalt’s patented bag house, your plant can be converted to produce any mix from 0% to 100%.
The industry’s push for sustainability can be seen from both private and public owners. Higher RAP contents limit the need for quarrying and oil refining. 100% RAP can lower Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in the Materials and Transport categories, contribute LEED and En-Vision Credits, and help you take a significant step on the Road to Net-Zero.

Higher RAP content mixes are sustainable and economically beneficial. Supplement RAP into your mixes and leave your aggregates in the quarry. Limit the effects of highly variable commodity by utilizing AC in your existing RAP. Use your land in more profitable ways – clear out that RAP pile.